19-cupcake Thanksgiving Bouquet
19-cupcake Thanksgiving Bouquet
Service Description
This is a 19-cupcake bouquet and will be offered over the Thanksgiving weekend. There will be a limited number of bouquets available to order. I will be closing booking when I have reached my maximum number of bouquets. Thanks so much!
Cancellation Policy
Thank you for choosing Blooming Cupcakes. If you need to change your order date and time, please contact me at (403) 493-4351 or bloomingcupcakes.yyc@gmail.com. I will give full refund with 5 days' notice. If it is less than 5 days up until 3 days' notice, I will provide a 50% refund. If it is less than 3 days' notice, there is no refund for the order.
Contact Details
60 Sheep River Cove, Okotoks, AB, Canada
60 Sheep River Cove, Okotoks, AB, Canada
60 Sheep River Cove, Okotoks, AB, Canada